
59 - in Disguise

As everyone already knows, life doesn't always go as expected. Oftentimes, we get thrown curveballs and strike out. However, we are always given everything that we need. When major things happen in our lives, they are definitely not simply chance. Every experience we are given shapes our lives and makes us in some way stronger, if we let it.

Sometimes trials are simply blessings in disguise. It's your job to take off the mask.

My life hasn't gone the way I've planned. In my mind, this year was going to be much different. My roommates would be awesome, Cole and I would have an infinite amount of time to spend together, college classes would be very different from high school classes, and my mom would surprise me with the car.

Like I said, sometimes life throws your curveballs.

It took me a while to realize that life really is what I make of it. It's my own fault for sitting in my apartment alone. It's my own fault for not signing up for more classes if I really felt I could. It's my own fault for not learning the bus route.

I spent a long time waiting for my life to happen, waiting for my blessings to come. I was so wrapped up in what I thought should happen that I didn't stop to think about what did happen. I didn't stop to take off the mask and see my trials for what they really were: gifts from God to make me stronger. More independent. More me.

This semester, the only thing I'm going to expect is the unexpected. I'm going to take that knowledge and combine it with an enthusiasm for life and a desire to be happy.

New semester, new goals, new year, new life.

New me.

photo from Flickr

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