
31 - My Childhood on a Bracelet

Look what I found.

and the British one...

You would think that growing up would make the insane fetish with anything Harry Potter subside. But it hasn't. Seriously, I would probably take them and make it into a necklace (since I wear those more) and wear it ALL the time. As soon as I saw a picture of these I got SO excited. Ridiculously excited.

One of my top Things That I Want is the complete British set of the Harry Potter books. Really, I just grew up with them. I started reading them when I was nine and the seventh one came out when I was 14. They will always be a major part of my childhood and I will always love them. :) Thank you, JK Rowling!


30 - A Bit Chilly..

For the first time that I've been in Logan, it's a bit chilly today. I'm sitting a bench outside of my next class and kind of getting excited to wear my warmer clothes!

Autumn is my favorite season, FYI.

Speaking of Autumn, the first day of fall is a week from today. I love looking at all of the colors of leaves and walking in crisp weather with a light jacket on... it just makes me so happy to have this beautiful earth to live on :) I'm excited for fall to start. Right now I can see a couple leaves changing, but there are so many trees around campus and I just know that it's going to be so pretty in a month.

I'm especially excited now that I'm in college. I don't know why, but it's just what I picture when I think of a college student. I'd be wearing my glasses, a cardigan with a cute t-shirt and jeans, with my converse. And then the orange and brown and gold colors are surrounding me and the wind blows the leaves around my feet...

I have to admit, college is exactly what I thought it was gonna be. Studying and working hard for classes, but still having time to relax. I love having time between my classes. Like right now, for instance. My last class ended at 12:30 and my next one doesn't start until 2:30. So I usually get lunch at the student center and then hang out in the honors lounge or outside of Old Main (which is right next to the building my 2:30 class is in.)

Here I am sitting on the bench.

It's a good time. Haha.
Also, I may or may not have taken several different shots with different faces so I could get one that I really liked. Heard a few snickers from people watching me.
Notice the redness in my face? That's the chilly part :) However, the redness between my eyes is a birthmark. So don't count that.

Oh -- starting to rain. Gotta go!


29 - Tiles for America

When I went to New York in June, I had to opportunity to see Tiles for America, a memorial on Greenwich Avenue that locals put together. It's a chain link fence filled with tiles made by people affected by 9/11. Unfortunately, I can't find the cord for my camera with my pictures, so I'll post them later. But for now I'll put pictures that I found online.

I was really emotional walking past all of the tiles. The memorials. The memories. No one in my family died that day. I was only 9 when it happened. But it's a hurt that every American feels, one that will always be felt.

I remember.
And I will never forget.
That day when I was walking past the fence and looking at the tiles, I had one of the strongest feelings of national pride I've ever had. I am an American, and I am proud.

Just remember. It's the land of the free, because of the brave.
And freedom always comes with a price.


28 - Mission Impossible: Week One

For a very long time now, I've had a nemesis.

This nemesis is not a shape-shifter, nor invisible.
She's not a threat to me or my reputation...

She and I have just never seen eye to eye.

This is a picture of her:
We have tried and tried to get along but it just has never worked. I had to resort to having a relationship with her sister.

Don't get me wrong, her sister's great. But somehow her workouts don't quite do it in the way that she does.  

At the start of my new life in college, I decided to make new friends. So, I'm beginning a series entitled Mission Impossible. And by the end of the year, my goal is to learn to like running. I know it's impossible, but that is why this segment is named as such. It's an impossible mission. But, hopefully, I will go from this: 

to this 

in no time flat. 

I will do it. And I will blog about it.
I've got three workouts under my belt. Albeit, only one of those was using the treadmill. 
But I will accomplish this. 

By the end of the year, me and ms. treadmill are gonna be like this 

Be jealous.


27 - The Pen

So I bought this pen.

I bought it because it seemed more college-like than my normal sparkle bic ballpoint pens.
In fact, I bought a pack of four. With black, blue, and red ink.

I put the pens in my drawer, and thought nothing of it.

When I needed a pen, later on in the day, I just happened to open that pack of pens first.
Then I started writing on my desk calendar. Normally, when writing on a desk calendar, I would feel like this.

But when I started writing with this pen, all of the sudden it was like 

And I'm not gonna lie, I felt a little bit like this 

Except I'm in the picture. 
Now, I know that Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint aren't ACTUALLY magical and they don't ACTUALLY use quills. But I just felt like part of the club. The elite. Because they HAD used them, when they filmed their movies... and now I have a bit of that experience. I was a little bit a part of Harry Potter. It takes me back to the day when I once made a calligraphy pen and tried to use paint for ink. 

So, suffice it to say that I ONLY use the uni-ball vision now. 
I like scratchy-scratch noise it makes. And as the true Harry Potter fan that I am, I feel like I'm using a quill. A magical quill. That will take me to places I've never been before. Maybe not Hogwarts, but I'm not picky. 

Narnia will do. 


26 - That Old Adage

So... I started another blog.
I'm putting inspirational quotes,

You should check it out :)


Just in case you missed that, click here.

This is one is still very much is use, however. Now I just have two...


25 - Castle on a Cloud

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them
- Henry David Thoreau

Artwork from Deviantart.