I love books.
A lot.
I have over 300 in my possession and if my house was on fire, they are what I'd go for first. So, yeah. I love books.
However, I will not have room in my tiny college dorm to fit all of my beloved books. I love reading (duh) so I have to choose wisely which books I will be in the mood to read.
And after careful consideration, I've compiled a list. Both old and new, read and unread. Reminders of my childhood and leaps into adulthood. Books have a lot of meaning to me, so this was hard. But let's begin:
I've always wanted to read this book. Reading it will be a goal achieved. |
These two books are by my favorite author of my junior high years. She's still one of my favorite reads. It reminds me of good times gone by. I just have to get the second one back from Adri... |
This one is just for fun, because I love Jodi Picoult and I haven' t read this one yet. She's a really fast read and writes very well. Even if her books are pretty much all the same. |
I refuse to see the movie before I read the book. I hate it when I do that, and this will not be one of those times. |
This is like... a gigantic epilogue for the Traveling Pants series. Of course I'm reading it. |
I don't feel guilty reading this book because I'm actually learning something. So on those days when I feel like I can't spend my time reading about fantasy lives, I will read this and not feel so guilty about procrastinating (inevitable). |
Oh, come on. It's Jane Austen. I can't go anywhere without her. |
So that's it. My first reading list for college. Maybe I'll make this like a series-type thing. Give a list of the books I will be taking each time I trade... hmm. Has potential.
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