
72 - I'm Grateful

I'm grateful for hardships, because they teach me to enjoy the simple things.

I'm grateful for pain, because I know that there is an equal and opposite to every emotion.

I'm grateful for bad grades, because they motivate me to be better.

I'm grateful for change, because without it I would never open my heart to new things.

I'm grateful for bad friends, because they help me be closer to my true ones.

I'm grateful for the cold, because it makes me miss the sun.

I'm grateful for temptation, because it draws me closer to the Son.

I'm grateful for confusing concepts, because they expand my mind.

I'm grateful for failure, because it never fails to teach me something.

I'm grateful for loneliness, because it helps me find myself.

I'm grateful for tears, because pain would hurt so much more without them.

I'm grateful for fights, because sometimes they're the only time when the truth comes out.

I'm grateful for bruises and breaks, anger and aches.

Without all of those things, I wouldn't know about happiness.








I'm grateful.

- ka

1 comment:

  1. I like KA as a pen name. :) Just sayin'.
