
44 - Adri

It's amazing how one little thing can happen to change your whole perspective on life.
How, after that little thing, petty arguments and bad hair days don't matter anymore.

Don't worry, no one died.

But one of my best friends could have.

We have zero control over where our lives are going to take us.

We can only control how we react and we take all the crap life throws at us. Stop for a minute, and be grateful for all of the things that make it just a little bit easier to deal.

My love, my family, my friends.
Reading, writing, music.
Beautiful sunsets and sparkling winter mornings.
My faith.

What if your life on this earth ended tomorrow? What would you lose? What would you regret?

Who didn't you get to say "I love you" to?

I love you, Adri. I'm so happy you're ok. God was watching over you that day. If things had gone another way on Sunday, I don't know what I would've done.

Actually, I do. I would've been more sad than I've ever been in my life, and cried my eyes out.

To find out what caused this deep introspection, click on the "Adri" link.

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