
5 - Rethink, Revisit, Renew.

My best friend, Adri, has inspired me.

I looked at her blog and in the entire month of June, she has dedicated herself to her blog.
It might just be the boredom of summertime, or the anticipation of the future, or for no reason at all. Either way, I've decided I really want to give this a shot and see if blogging is really something I want to keep up on. Her blog is much, much cooler. Click here if you're curious. Seriously, it's awesome. I'll leave another link just in case you changed your mind. It's called Oh, The Places We'll Go! and I recommend checking it out.


I have renamed this blog Brand New Day to represent my renewal in life. I looked at the very first post I did, and realized that I have been "on the brink" all year. And now is the time to act.

You see, I'm going to college in just a few short weeks. Now, I know what you're thinking. That I'm just another dreamy-eyed high school graduate all sorts of naive determination and enthusiasm to go and make something of myself. That it's been ingrained in my head that I can be anything I want, if I just believe. And maybe I am. But is that really such a bad thing? If that's what it takes to get me, or anyone else for that matter, to go out and make something of themselves... well what's the problem?

Life is about dreaming out loud. Being the change you wish to see. (Ghandi said that, not me) Proving to the world that you can make a difference. I'm not saying that I'm going to be some world-famous philanthropist and solve world hunger, or purify what is the corrupt world we live in, but I can change my world. Or, rather, make a difference in the lives of the people I love.

Every day is a brand new day.
A brand new day to make someone smile.
A brand new day to do something you've never done before.
A brand new day to create worlds. Even little ones, that only you know about.


And when you're done, make it happen. Any way you can.


  1. http://youtu.be/a38jdtcatfQ

    (Except, substitute anytime he's talking about a bike with appropriate collegiate terms.)

    I hope you keep up this blog. If you don't post super often, at least post often enough that I don't feel like you've disappeared when we're off to college. You will make a difference in the/your, and I want to witness it when you do!

  2. the/your world*
