
6 - The Way I See It #1

So my sister showed me a blog that her friend had a few years ago and I thought it was really cool. It was her friend giving reviews on things that she'd seen, read or whatever. She had food, books, movies... she gave a really funny review of Breaking Dawn. (Click here to read it.) And I'm going to copy her. Not for my whole blog, but just occasionally as a post when I've seen or read something I found noteworthy.

So. My first critique.

When I first saw the trailer for this movie, I inwardly cringed. The second movie was not that great and I thought the producers of the series should just quit while they were ahead.

I should have remembered the rule that has been going around lately. That is, the first movie is fantastic, the second movie sucks, the third movie is made to redeem the suckiness of the second movie and to remind fans why they like the the movies in the first place. Let's think of some examples of this, shall we? Candidate 1: Pirates of the Caribbean. I have only seen the second one once and I do not intend on watching it ever again. Candidate 2: Mission Impossible. Ditto. The second one was filled with just too many... well... impossible things. And the story was kind of dumb. And Tom Cruise should always have his hair short. But if you've seen the trailer for the fourth one, he went back to the long hair... doesn't bode well for that film...

Transformers: Dark of the Moon definitely did its job of redeeming the second one. They used a story that actually made sense and had twists that I didn't see coming. I'm not going to spoil the story, but I'll just give a brief review. Sam is graduated from college and looking for a job. Megan Fox (I don't remember her character's name) dumped him but he lives with another really tall, model-like British girl named Carly. (Kinda funny, considering Shia LeBouf is on the short side) And the Transformers are working with the American government to help fight terrorism. The whole premise is that the American mission to the moon in 1969 was actually a fact-finding mission when the American government found an alien spaceship on the dark side of the moon. And then the rest of the story just goes from there.

I'm glad they don't have Megan Fox anymore, but I think it's funny that they felt compelled to get someone of the same make. I do like this actor better, though. I don't know, I just couldn't really see the connection. With either of the two couples. It didn't fit for me. They didn't really have that much chemistry. Plus it's weird that she's taller than he is. And in all of the movies it just seems like Shia is angry all the time, which doesn't make me think he's very happy... until the closing shot is him making out with his super model girlfriend.

SPOILER ALERT. If you don't care, read the next paragraph. If you do, skip it. I am a big Patrick Dempsey fan. Mostly because of Grey's Anatomy and his awesome hair. So, naturally, I hate that in the last two movies I've seen him in he's the bad guy. Especially in Valentine's Day. He was the jerk boyfriend who was married and I don't like that. In this one, he's the spy for the Decepticons and betrays the human race. I miss the Patrick from Can't Buy Me Love, or Maid of Honor. The sweet one. Who would never hurt anyone. In Valentine's Day, however, Ashton Kutcher makes up for it by saying possibly the cutest line I have ever heard in a movie, though. "This girl, she's like sunshine." I love that.

All in all, I really liked this movie. Not loved it, but genuinely liked it. I liked it enough that I would see it again if anyone wanted to go. As always, it's rated PG-13 for some swearing, skimpy dresses, and violent crash scenes. But the special effects were awesome, and the story was compelling and actually made sense. 2 hours and 20 minutes well spent.

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