
4 - A Time of Happiness

Christmas is a time full of laughter, and family, and treats, and gifts.
It is a time of getting things and giving things in return.
A time of no school and no worries.
A time of happiness.

I think that we, as Americans (or just people in general), like to think that Christmas is exciting because of the fancy things we get. iPods, computers, money, books. Things that have great monetary value to people.  Take myself, for example. My parents, on either side, splurged in preparation of my going away to college. My dad got me a new iPod with nice speakers, and my mother got me a MacBook Pro so I can have a nice computer while I'm away at school (the computer I'm using to post this message). As all people would assume, I would think that getting fancy things will just make me burst with joy. That my love of expensive technology would erupt from my face and eyes and into my heart to make me truly happy. But, alas, this did not happen.

That's not to say that I'm not happy. Far from it. The point of this post is to relate my recent Christmas epiphanies. Getting cool stuff is really awesome. And giving cool stuff is really awesome. But what really makes me happy is knowing how much my family loves me. My mother and stepdad have 12 children to buy for, including children-in-law and one grandson. They have to make Christmas equal among everyone. And laptops are not cheap. But my mom cares about me and my stepsister enough to know that our college experience would be a lot easier with our own computers. She cares about me enough to go without her new air conditioner or dishwasher in order to give me something she knew I'd love.

She loves me more than anything, including herself.

That's what makes me happy.

Merry Christmas to all, tis the season for joy. Just remember what truly brings it -- not presents, not candy, not even the Christmas specials we all love so much.

Spend your time with your loved ones, and make memories. And don't forget to give thanks to the One who makes Christmas and family possible. Without Him, today would be just another day.

Merry Christmas :)

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