
9 - Photography

Let me tell you all a little story.

Somewhere, in a land far far away, lived a young girl with a fascination with cameras. Any kind of camera, she would use and use and use until it was no good anymore. Usually, all she had was disposable cameras, so the film ran out quickly because she had no concept of waiting for the right picture. Also usually, about half of the pictures were of nature from weird angles. You see, she was trying to be a photographer. At ten years old.

The years went by, and film cameras soon made way for digital cameras. She started out small, her first digital camera being a Kodak with 2 megapixels. But her dad ALWAYS had nice cameras and so she would tend to borrow his. Again, she tried to take the coolest pictures ever. This time, with people in them as well. And as her love for this art grew, so did the kind of camera she had. Until one day she decided that she wanted a professional camera. Well, an amateur professional camera. A Cannon Rebel. Her father obliged, and for Christmas she received her Rebel.

However, it just was not to be as this girl was in high school now. Not only that, she just happened to be the busiest Bee there ever was. No time for friends, let alone reading or taking pictures. So the long awaited camera sat in the corner, just waiting for the right moment.

Then, other people noticed the camera. And wanted to use the camera. First her friends, then her sisters. This girl didn't have a problem with sharing (as long as it was with the right person) so she agreed to let her sister take her camera. For safe-keeping.

That was a year and a half ago. And now she's going off to college and she's getting her camera back. But first, she had to test it out. With flowers that her boyfriend gave her on their 2nd dating anniversary.

Just a few photos of many are posted for your viewing pleasure, and also in the My Photography tab.

This is just the start of a wonderful new relationship involving the girl (me) and her camera. Because believe it or not, she actually REALLY likes taking pictures.


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