
8 - Words and Music

Been in a songwriting mood lately.

Don't know why. I'm not the songwriter in my family. My sister Kimberlee is. But, I've just been getting inspired. Mostly, me writing songs is writing down lyrics and hoping to come up with the music part later. The writing lyrics is what I like doing the most haha.

Maybe it's because I've kinda been surrounded by inspirational music as of late.

Last Sunday I watched August Rush with Cole. (He doesn't really like that movie... but I told him we were going to watch it anyway.) And that movie ALWAYS makes me want to sit at the piano and write a masterpiece. Like it's just gonna come out of me. Unfortunately, it never happens. But it does get me inspired.

Also, we saw Jon Schmidt in concert. And it just amazes me, again, how people can be so talented musically. Did you know that he wrote Waterfall when he was 17? 17! It just blows my mind. And may or may not make me a tad bit jealous.

Then, tonight, I saw Peter Breinholt in concert with my dad. And I may not really like the folky-type music as much as other things but he writes awesome songs. And it just gets me so inspired! I start thinking about other singer-songwriters that I love, and all the music that I love, and I just get excited. And think to myself -- Hey. You can SO write a song like Ingrid Michaelson. Just sit down and do it. -- then I sit down. And start fiddling with the keys. And then I get bored and blog about it.

So I guess this post is kind of a tribute to music and the power it holds. Any kind of music can have an influence on someone. Make that person feel like they can do anything. Like they can make a difference. That's what it does to me.

Music can do things that nothing else can do. It can make you remember things once forgotten. Or bring back feelings that you though were lost. Music can motivate, captivate, and inspire everyone. Sometimes, music can even say things louder than words.

But that's the beauty of the combination. Together, there's nothing music and words can't do. Together, they can be the most powerful thing in the world. More powerful than guns, more powerful than wars, more powerful than hatred, or anger.

Just something to think about.

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