
84 - Run

Wow, I haven't posted in a long time. Haha. Spring break happened, and then this week was kind of busy, and... yep. Haha.

Here's an update on my life: I love working out.

I've always thought that I just wasn't athletic, and that was that. I've never been really in shape, and I've never exercised regularly. Until the Rock Solid Challenge. If anything, exercise is the habit I acquired from it. I just feel so good and productive all the time when I exercise regularly, and it's a feeling I've never had before. Not that I'm an unhappy person, it's just a different kind of happy. I know it's stupid, and very much a dilemma of every girl, but self-image is something that I struggle with sometimes. All of my sisters were like sticks growing up, and I didn't, for lack of a better term, even out, until later in junior high. It didn't help that I just ate junk ALL the time. (It's a wonder I'm not 300 pounds, I basically grew up on Wendy's.)

But then I started to work out, and I just feel healthy. My body hasn't changed THAT much (because it didn't really need to... which is still kind of hard to see sometimes), but I feel very different. It's just good. I just never gave it a good try before, so I didn't realize the effect it would actually have on me. It's not like I'm a track star or pro athlete, I definitely started slow and am still working my way up, but it's getting easier.

As if the feeling wasn't enough, I don't feel guilty reading or watching TV when I work out. Usually, if I do it at home, I feel like I should be doing something else. But if I do it when I run, it's not me avoiding homework because I am doing something productive at the same time! It's great.

I was talking to my mom about this at dinner a couple days ago (I was in Salt Lake to see Beauty and the Beast), and mentioned that in the next year or two it would be a big accomplishment to run a half-marathon. She was really excited and wants to do it with me, and train during the summer. It's something I never saw myself doing, because I didn't think that I could. I know that it'll be SO hard, but I think it's a good goal. And even kinda fun. :)

Never thought I'd consider running fun...

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