
38 - They Would Not Do That

I don't know how many people actually read my blog. I don't know how many of you share my faith.

I'm a very accepting person. I have many friends who are good people making bad choices. And I love them anyway. I don't like to put people in awkward situations, but I'm not afraid to tell them what I know. When I see or hear my friends denouncing what I believe, calling it blasphemy and lies, I don't shout or try to prove them wrong. Shouting never got anyone anywhere. And making people feel bad never did anyone any good. But I am not afraid to tell them what I know. Watching my friends willingly put themselves in situations that will cause them harm hurts me like I cannot describe. I hate judging people, and I hate shunning people. I hate holding grudges and I hate being angry. I hate the feeling that I get when someone that I know, someone that I like, someone who is my friend, unconsciously hurts me by attacking the core of my faith. When, honestly, they don't know anything about it. Because the people that do know about it and choose another way at least have the courtesy to respect me and to respect what I believe. Going out of your way to let me know that you think the book I consider scripture is false, and the church I belong to is a cult, is just as bad as me going out of my way to tell you that you're a sinner who's going to hell and that God has damned your soul. And if you know me, you know that I would never say that to anyone.

Having said that, this is the most powerful talk given on the Book of Mormon that I have ever seen or heard. It brought me to tears. And I truly know that it's true.

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