
36 -- Update

It's been a while.
Sorry about that.

I really don't have any excuse, because I am the least busy that I've been in my life. I'm pretty sure that even when I was a child I was more busy than I am now haha. The only bad thing about me getting used to not being busy is that I leave all of my homework for the last minute, so I'll have like a week of doing nothing and then a full two days of doing nothing but homework.

It's fall break on Friday. Unlike many other universities, however, we do not get a full week. Only Friday. But I'm not complaining. It's still nice to have a Friday off. :)

During this weekend, I will probably spend a lot of my time researching for big paper I have to write.

This post is more of an update than anything.

So, to updating:

It's autumn and it's gorgeous up here. I should use my spare time to take pictures with that fancy camera of mine.
Classes are going really well. They're all pretty easy. Biology, Creative Arts (which is like art appreciation... it's a general ed class), Folklore, Yoga, and English 2010. English 2010 is probably the only class that is relatively challenging. Biology I have to study for, but it's not hard at all. For both of the exams that we've had, I've felt very confident.
I'm heading up a poetry and essay contest for a festival that's going on up here in March. It was on a list of volunteer opportunities, so I emailed the guy they said to email and apparently I'm like one of the first people to volunteer because he put me in charge of something. It's for this:
Pretty cool, huh? If you want, I'll show you the flier that I made. It's about the only thing that I've done so far...
For those of you who didn't see on Facebook, I currently have a very painful cold sore. The crappy thing is that I had one on the other side of my mouth during Labor Day. I guess my immune system is making up for the fact that I hadn't had one in two years before that.
that's all the I can come up with for now. Haha.
Tomorrow, for folklore, we're having class in the Logan cemetery. So that's kind of cool.
Also, I've decided to revive the phrase "Pip pip." My friends tried to a few years back. Rachel, Adri, I'm talking to you. I already have the world "blast" in my vocabulary, so I figured another proper British term wouldn't hurt. Next it'll be "Cheerio".

You think I'm kidding. ;)

Pip pip! Also, Cheerio!

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