
2 - Little Wonders

Two posts in one day... bold? Wrong. Bored. Haha.

Today is Sunday. Accordingly, I have gone to church. As always, it makes me think of how truly blessed I am. There are many big things that I'm blessed with: health, a home, a comfortable living, a supporting family, great friends, a loving boyfriend, a car, among countless other things. But I think sometimes we don't stop to consider the little things that happen during a day that makes us truly happy. If it only brings a little smile on our face. I have a list of all these little things that I have just begun to notice. Being the mature (ha) 17 year old that I am, I'm trying to be more aware of my life. Be more aware of the things that just make my day, or hour, or minute. Whatever they may be. So, here is the (condensed) list. (Condensed as in I'm sure there are more things but I can't think of them right now...)
*disclosure: I'm getting almost all of my pics from GoogleImages
Opening a new pack of your favorite candy
(Mine happens to be tropical starbursts)
Ridiculous pictures that make you pee your pants laughing
(Even if you're the only one who is)
Thinking you had an empty tank and then discovering that your mom filled it up for you
There are few things more beautiful than being in a light snow storm in the dark
Getting a surprise kiss :)
No homework
Other people who appreciate little funny things. MLIA is a website dedicated to it :)
(Please click on this to make it larger and read the funny stories)
Knowing some people are Harry Potter nerds just like me

There is nothing better than turning left on a green arrow :)

Watching parents try to text :)
And then getting a funny text from them that reminds you why you like them
Getting a new high score on Fruit Ninja
UBSCT -- the three most wonderful days of high school. Sleeping in til 9:45 while the sophomores take a test

                                     This youtube video
Going to bed knowing your alarm isn't going to go off in the morning
Getting a hug from a little kid. Especially a little brother :)

And finally....

Seeing my nephew smile and grab his feet :) Love you Porter!

As I said, there are many things that make me smile, chuckle, and feel warm inside :) These are just a few! But take a minute to think about your list. What little things do you maybe take for granted? What things are just so silly you have to share? What makes you realized you're loved? Everyone has them, and when you realize what they are, it makes them that much better. Promise.


  1. Go Fruit Ninja!
    By the way, who posted Porter on Google images?
    :) Love ya!

  2. Yay for green arrows! And yay for my son! haha!
