
63 - The 13th

Today is Friday the 13th.

It all started with the most realistic nightmare I have ever had. I don't really want to go into the details because all of it scares me. But, suffice it to say that it ends with people I love dying. Cole, Nan, Kim, Porter, Rebecca, Adri, Rachel, and Kenzie. Not only do they die, I see each of the deaths in gruesome slow motion and they're caused by the Big Earthquake that's going to happen on Utah's fault line. So, I woke up hyperventilating.

While I was in the shower, I noticed a tingling feeling on my lip. Cold sore. Third one in six months. I didn't bring any pills or Abreva from Salt Lake specifically because I knew I'd already had two so close together and the likelihood of me getting another one was slim.

While in psych class, I noticed the date. And the day. And the correlation hit me. Today is Friday the 13th.

Literally just happened: Cole told me he has shingles. (Similar to the chicken pox.)

Today is Friday the 13th.


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