
55 - Resolute

My New Year's Resolutions:

  1. Put pictures up of Christmas. (They are on my little camera, which has the annoying memory stick that only works with an adapter. Ugh. Sorry, Rachel!) 
  2. SERIOUSLY go to the gym regularly. AT LEAST once a week for six months. I think I can manage that. 
  3. Read one book a week, and write about it. (Perhaps in my blog? Ooh, that would be fun. However, some of the books might be guilty pleasure books that I'd be judged for reading. With my personality I feel like people expect me to only read the "high quality", sophisticated books. No matter how much I would like to say I shy away from the cheesy romance novels, I do not. They warm my heart. ) 
  4. Figure out where Adult Kolbie fits. Teenage Kolbie was a theatre person, a choir person, and an AP class person. Adult Kolbie needs to find her own place in the real, outside-of-high-school world. It should be a fun adventure. 
  5. Become a True Aggie. (No, I'm not yet. Sadly, there are only two dates during a year that two people who aren't True Aggie's yet can kiss over the "A". Cole and I missed the first one accidentally... we have to wait until Spring now!)
  6. Keep up with my Blessings Keeper. (I filled the Jane Austen journal and have since started on a new journal. I just hope this project doesn't peetre off after a while. I've lasted about three months, but projects can easily slow down and stop completely...) 
  7. Work on magnifying my calling in my ward. (I'm the Compassionate Service Coordinator)
  8. Call my sisters and friends more often whilst I'm away in Logan. 
  9. Watch less TV/be on the computer less. 
  10. Get a job and earn money for a car. 
I think 10 is enough New Year's Resolutions. I figure that I should at least be able to do most of them. (Well, I hope ALL of them, but I like to think of myself as a realist.) 

Have you ever thought about the term "resolution"? It's the noun version of the word "resolute", meaning admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering. Think about that while you're deciding your Resolutions. They aren't supposed to be wish lists, or bucket lists. They are things that you are determined to do for yourself. They should be something achievable, but also something that makes you work hard. Generally, someone determined is working hard. And the things you work hard for are almost always the most worthwhile. So when working on your Resolutions, be determined. Be admirably purposeful. Be unwavering in what you wish to accomplish. 

Be resolute. 

2011 was fantastic, I only hope 2012 to be even better. 

If anyone actually reads this blog, please feel free to tell me one of your New Year's Resolutions. I would love any comments to read. 

I hope you can all achieve admirable purpose in this New Year. That's all anyone can hope for, really. Who wants to waste a year doing anything less? 

Happy 2012. 


1 comment:

  1. The only real resolution I made was to back WAY off on soda. I will only indulge on special days like my birthday (maybe) and stuff, but for the most part, no soda.
    Not that exciting. Haha.
