
33 - WHE

So as mentioned in the last post, I've made a commitment to myself to be better. More giving. More in tune to other people.

I also made a deal with the Lord. I'm trusting that as long as I do the things I need to do, as long as I make an effort to better myself, my life will turn out the way that it's supposed to. So that means:

Read my scriptures more dutifully and intently
Pay attention in church
Magnify my calling
Be nice, even to people I don't like *coughBriancough* [Haha, just kidding, Brian :)]
Say my prayers more sincerely and often

I know that it'll make me better. And as I was about to do homework today, I looked at the clock. And realized that I can't just go most of the way. And you know what that means...

I have to go to FHE. Which is called Ward Home Evening in college wards, apparently. I've never gone. I never really liked mutual... and I was never interested in going to what is basically mutual in college.

But, I made a deal. And I want my end of it to turn out well. So, I went to WHE tonight! It was a picture scavenger hunt. We didn't win, but it was fun haha. Only one picture was taken on my phone:

Rachael (my friend) and Molly (my roommate) on the A.
I love my life, I do. But things can always be better. Especially now. And I'm hoping that by doing the things that I'm supposed to, and having complete faith in the Lord, things will be ok. You know, I'm not hoping. I know that it will be. Because I have a testimony of Christ and His blessings. He's just waiting to give them to me.

In conference, I believe it was Elder Perry that said blogging and internet communication is a good way to spread the gospel. So to whoever may be reading this, I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and I know that it's true. I have a testimony of our Savior and I know that He wants me to be happy, just like He wants you to be happy. No matter what.

So, as long as I keep up my end of the deal, He will keep His.


  1. These last two posts are beautiful, Kolbie Anne. I'll admit that this last one made me tear up a little bit, because I am just very proud of the bright and faithful young woman that you are. Keep holding onto that faith! I love you.
    P.S. We never called it WHE in my singles ward. It was still FHE- family home evening. But it definitely makes more sense to call it ward home evening, I guess. :)

  2. You're friends with a RachAel? Kolbie...
