
104 - I have a lot to say.

I have a lot to say.

I know it seems like I don't because I never say it. But, seriously, I have a lot to say.

For instance:

  1. I've never had the pleasure of using a dryer that refuses to dry. 
  2. Upper rooms that face west most certainly will bake in the evening. It's quite a shame that air conditioning costs a lot of money. 
  3. I can live on sandwiches for a week, but it's not very fun. 
  4. I forgot how tired being busy makes me. 
  5. Sometimes, I just need to sing. 
Amid all of the tragedy that is the world, there is beauty. I have a very cool view of the mountains and the city from my window, and waking up in the morning to see it is one of my very favorite things. Then, coming back to it late at night helps to remind me that time moves too quickly for every man and woman. There will never be enough time. There is only time, and we have a choice to do with it what we will. We can't be scared that it's going to run out because we know that it will. That's a fact.

I am going to die. You are going to die. Inevitable things are a bother--buy they are inevitable. My time will run out. Ending that sentence with a preposition won't change facts.

In case you were wondering why the melancholy post, one of my friends from high school passed away this week. He was waiting for a liver transplant. Please, do the world a favor, and be an organ donor. Please.

Where there is fear, faith cannot dwell. Be scared, but just for a minute. Believe that, as long as you're always trying, you'll be rewarded. I don't really think Yoda was right because sometimes you can't do something by yourself, and that's what makes you scared. But you can't be scared and have faith at the same time.

Be scared, but just for a minute. You don't know how many minutes you have left.

As for this blog, its minutes are up. After 104 posts, I feel like I need... something else.

Even this post is rather erratic. I'm kind of all over the place.

As I said, I have a lot to say, I just don't know how to say it exactly.


p.s. If you like reading what I have to say, stay tuned. There will soon be another website on which I tell you all about the things I have to say.

The End.

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